‘It all started three years ago, when I stumbled on a recipe which originated in the 70’s. This recipe was created by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, who coined the phrase “Fire Cider”. I started out by trying the recipe and making it in my garage, as I was fascinated with all of these great natural ingredients combined into one easy to take drink.
Things have moved on since then, and although we still produce and bottle STEEPS ONE SHOT in small, controlled batches, made in the UK, we’ve moved on from the garage. I lead an active life and am big into fitness and healthy living. I cycle every day, I’m in and out of air conditioned buildings and being a family man also, I’m surrounded by kids who seem to have every bug under the sun. With my fitness business, I work freelance, so I really can’t afford to have any downtime and with the demands of a busy lifestyle, I need to be at the top of my game, all of the time.
To me this recipe seemed the ultimate solution to keep my immune system fully charged, and more than that, you know what – it really does work!‘