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‘It all started three years ago, when I stumbled on a recipe which originated in the 70’s. This recipe was created by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, who coined the phrase “Fire Cider”. I started out by trying the recipe and making it in my garage, as I was fascinated with all of these great natural ingredients combined into one easy to take drink.

Things have moved on since then, and although we still produce and bottle STEEPS ONE SHOT in small, controlled batches, made in the UK, we’ve moved on from the garage. I lead an active life and am big into fitness and healthy living. I cycle every day, I’m in and out of air conditioned buildings and being a family man also, I’m surrounded by kids who seem to have every bug under the sun. With my fitness business, I work freelance, so I really can’t afford to have any downtime and with the demands of a busy lifestyle, I need to be at the top of my game, all of the time.

To me this recipe seemed the ultimate solution to keep my immune system fully charged, and more than that, you know what – it really does work!‘

FROM Jamie ‘Chief Steeper’.




A  fiery mix of Turmeric, Ginger, Chilli, Horseradish, Onion and Garlic. steeped for 12 weeks in organic Apple Cider Vinegar. It’s wheat free, gluten free, dairy free, keto and paleo friendly and chemical free with no preservatives. 


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APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV) – Our ACV naturally occurs and contains beneficial enzymes and probiotics. Not to be confused with cider, our version is completely non-alcoholic.

TURMERIC – Sometimes called Indian Saffron (or the Golden Spice), you just don’t want to get this stuff on your clothes as it stains anything it comes into contact with. Curcumin is the active powerful ingredient in turmeric, containing powerful biological properties. Ayurvedic medicine recommends it for a variety of health conditions, including as chronic pain and inflammation.

GINGER – We all love a bit of ginger but we have only found it in the last 20 years or so. It’s been around for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. This odd shaped spice’s possible health benefits include reducing nausea, pain and inflammation.

CHILLI– Also goes by the great name of “Capsicum”. Used for fighting inflammation and giving Steeps that almighty kick. There are a hundred and one different varieties to choose from, ours are organic and the hottest we can get our hands on.

HORSERADISH – Neither a horse nor a radish, but man, this vegetable packs a mean punch when you chop it up. Stand back and prepare for your eyes to burn, wow! It has been used for hundreds of years, due to its wide variety of health benefits.

ONION You gotta love the good old onion, a forgotten gem. That’s until you chop and peel the damned things - unless you’re equipped with science goggles or have a spoon in your mouth (we’re not really convinced that works). A good all rounder, with natural chemicals inside which seem to reduce swelling (inflammation).

GARLIC – A herb which dates back 5000 years. A bitch to peel especially when you are peeling 5kg of them, we can tell you. There are too many health benefits to list for garlic. It’s one of our favourites, and pretty top drawer amazing stuff.

ORANGES AND LEMONS – Well what can we say, they do the Citrus flavour a favour with its amazingly fruity taste. A high source of antioxidants, vitamin C and flavonoids, especially when you use the organic ones. (Our Citrus flavour is currently not available - however watch this space, it will be back)